
Thursday 24 March 2011


The pounding in her head woke her up. Her eyes opened for the briefest of moments, only to snap shut to escape the brilliant sunlight streaming in through the windows.

Wincing, Keira tried to cover her head with her hands then froze. She held her breath and listened to the room. The rapping sound came again. It wasn't in her head, it was someone at the door.

Yet it wasn't her door. This wasn't her room.

She sat up. The daze of sleep was gone and a clarity of purpose had taken root. She quickly assessed the room, looking for exits and the possibility of a weapon. From the double bed she could see a screen doors to a balcony. A cupboard. A door that probably led to an en suite bathroom and another door with a security peephole. This was probably the door to the room itself.

The knocking came again. Definitely the door.

Keira slid off the bed and quickly checked the desk drawers. Empty, not even a Bible. She never took her eyes off the door but she did catch sight of herself in a mirror and swiftly processed that she was wearing the clothes she wore to dinner last night. Not ideal for self defence, but it could be worse. She still couldn't see a suitable weapon.

There was a pen, but that wouldn't make her feel any safer. Frustrated, Keira sprang forward under a surge of adrenaline and snapped the security bolt across the door.

"Uh, hello?"

A muffled male American voice called through the door. She cursed. She made more noise than she hoped. She backed up to the bathroom door and pushed it open, glancing inside. Still nothing that would make a good weapon, unless she broke a mirror and wrapped something around the hilt of a shard of glass. It might have to come to that.

She heard a click at the door and her eyes snapped back to the lock. Someone was trying to open it.

"Hello Miss? My name is Bobby. I'm here to help."

Keira swore at him under her breath and quickly returned to the bed, pulling the cover off one of the pillows. The mirror shard was looking like her best option. Out of the window she caught sight of the buildings across the road. She was in a city. One of the tall skyscrapers nearby was the New Yorker Hotel.

Last night, she had gotten home from dinner and gone to bed in her apartment in Vancouver.

What the hell was going on?